Wednesday, June 1, 2011


V-Con was great and excited. You know yesterday was the last day of V-Con and once I reached home, the first thing I did was uploading the pictures because this is the fastest way to let my partners to sign up right after V-Con with the excitement!

I was exhausted yet exciting, I don't know what to do other than kept on saying it was really unbelievable.

Today is Gen Rally, it's an annual event organized by our mother organization GenGold International. It's basically to congratulate our GenX MD Mr.Simon finally shine for GenX and become the youngest VC in the history of The-V. And it is also an event for those who didn't make it for V-Con to feel this so called mini V-Con.

It's hard to describe it you know, you know the feeling when I ask you to describe what's purple without showing me the colour of the object :/

Well it is just excited and more to come! I have great news tomorrow (:

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